evaluating low carbon communities

Easterside school energy play
Easterside, 29th March 2012
Participants in an EVALOC focus group in Easterside had suggested that a school play could be a good way of getting across the messages about energy saving and climate change to people in the community because the children are more aware and receptive to these messages than adults, and because parents listen to their children.
The play was organised by Easterside Primary school and held on March 29th 2012 . It was performed in the School Hall by children in year 3 and some older children who were ‘eco warriors'. Around 25 people attended including people who might not otherwise have attended a climate change event,. Interviews with children involved & feedback forms with audience suggested that the play was a good way of getting information across as ‘most parents listen to their children. It was seen as an entertaining, effective and motivating way of communicating messages about climate change, was ‘ humorous as well as informative’; and engaged people on an emotional level . Children and audience absorbed key messages as well as ideas for practical action, and were left feeling positive, rather than negative and hopeless.
EVALOC funding enabled the school to put on the play by paying for costumes and props, as well as providing finance for the children to visit Newcastle Centre for Life which is an award-winning science centre full of exhibitions, activities and events, including some relating to climate change. This provided an additional learning experience for the children.