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As part of the Low Carbon Community Challenge (LCCC) initiative, 22 area-based communities across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, both rural and urban, were awarded funding of £500,000 each to explore pioneering approaches to becoming a low carbon community (LCC) and help inspire and lead the rest of the country towards the same goal.


Typically, the low-carbon interventions adopted by these 22 LCCs can be categorised as: behaviour change of inhabitants through better monitoring and display of energy use; technological improvements to buildings (domestic and public/community) in terms of fabric, systems and controls; low and zero carbon technologies in buildings; and community-based renewable energy systems (Heat pumps, Solar Photovoltaic, Wind turbine, Micro-hydro). This formed the basis for the selection of our case study communities.


The empirical part of this project is constructed around six selected geographical case-studies representing the whole range of typical low-carbon interventions, and also based on their socio-economic status. In addition, the mix of selected communities represents those with a strong track record in achieving carbon reductions and those which are emerging and promising to develop strong low-carbon credentials.

About the communities

Sustainable Blacon:

has helped over 800 households become more energy efficient through energy advice and practical help


have installed 2 wind turbines in 2 primary schools, heat pumps and solar panels in community and domestic buildings

Kirklees Hillhouse:

have installed solar pv panels on community buildings and 53 homes in the local area

Low Carbon West Oxford:

have installed solar panels on local community and domestic buildings as well as a small wind turbine in a local community park

Hook Norton Low Carbon:

have installed solar panels on community buildings, provided loans for energy efficient refurbishments and a community car club

Awel Aman Tawe:

have organised arts & climate change workshops, and are finalising the installation of a community wind turbine

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